
Chatology big sur
Chatology big sur

chatology big sur

Moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful.” (2 Cor. HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF.Ĭhrist’s Call to Christi Men of Means! By your acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord, God has constituted you a Steward “Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. We will be praying for you and with you, and covet your prayers for us that God may give us the desire of our hearts My d a u g h te r an d I belong to ‘D efenders of Faith* and use a good m any tracts, sp eak a w ord an d teach th e W ord w henever possible.” (M rs. W e all love it, rejoice to get it and praise th e L ord for such a p a p er. ,X S em inary) A Colorado Mother “I have sent in four new su b scrip ­ tions recently. T h ere will be m any added to th e ranks, as upho ld ers of th e W ord, from this school.” (K. You a re keep in g m any a soul in the faith d u rin g this a p o state age. very m uch, espe­ cially th e w ay you stan d fo u r-sq u are on th e W ord of God w hen so m any a re denying it from cover to cover. I p ra y it m ay be th e m eans of m uch blessing to its m any read ers all over th e w orld.” (J.F.


It is full of suggestive m atter and S c rip tu ra l tru th. for years, and it ju st s a t i s f i e s my taste. )Ī Nebraska Bible Class Teacher “ I have taken the K. has alw ays been a great in spiration to m e.'' (B.

chatology big sur

Will You Do This for Me, and Do It Today? Drop Me a Postal and Say on It “COUNT ON ME for one or more subscriptions within 30 days.”Īn Iowa Pastor “T h e K. Read some of the commendations which h a v e c o m e recently. You, too, can help in this service for th e Lord if you will secure one or more new subscriptions, for The K ing’s Business is a bless­ ing to every member of the family. OUR APPEAL IS FROM OUR HEARTS to your heart. fam ily have rendered valuable service in securing new subscriptions, and this we deeply appreciate. WE WANT YOUR HELP, for we regard T h e King’s Business as a definite, helpful, needed m inistry for the Lord. O u r advertising columns (w e ca rry none bu t approved) help somewhat, and if we could double the circulation, would be w orth much more to us. A ny publisher or p r in te r will tell you why. THE KING’S BUSINESS, as now published, costs us a g rea t deal more than the subscription price.

Chatology big sur